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Greater Palm Springs is world famous as Southern California's premiere oasis destination, providing an unparalleled experience of escape, adventure, and relaxation for visitors of all ages. Its unique nine-city area is home to fabulous events, hotels and amenities that can be enjoyed year-round.

Click here to find more ways to chill in Greater Palm Springs this summer, with great deals, specials and things to do.

did you know?

  • Palm Springs has more pools per capita than anywhere in the country (wow!), which makes soaking up the sun better than ever in Greater Palm Springs!
  • Condé Nast Traveler unveiled the 2013 Hot List, the buzz-making list of their favorite new hotels that have opened in the past year. Topping the list was a Palm Springs' favorite, The Saguaro. The Saguaro is a revamped 245-room desert resort with sixties-era revival channeling David Hockney. The central courtyard is dominated by palms and a pool. For a backdrop, the jagged San Jacintos rise straight up from the valley floor.
  • The inaugural AMFM Fest will take place in Cathedral City on June 13 – 16, featuring for days of progressive art, music, film & more in the California desert.